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1959年是新中国成立十周年。国庆前夕,人民瓷厂决定研制套国庆献礼餐具。该厂青花研究人员和绘画老艺人在“太阳出来照四方, 毛主席的思想金光”的思想感召下,釆用葵花作为主体装饰图案,以朵朵丽葵花,表达着“热爱毛主席,人民心向党”满腔热情。由于此餐具为献礼瓷,限量生产,专供中南海用瓷。所以,展出的这套餐具已成为十大瓷厂“国窑瓷”中罕见陶瓷艺术品。

The year of 1959 is the 10th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China. Before the National Day, Renmin Porcelain Factory decided to develop a set of tablewares to celebrate the National Day. With the inspiration that “the sun shines the world and Chairman Mao’s thoughts guide the people’s minds”, the designers for blue-and-white and the old painters used the sunflower as the main decorative pattern, expressing people’s love to Chairman Mao and loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. As national porcelain gift special for Zhongnanhai, this set of tablewares were limited produced. They have become a valuable set as the national kiln porcelain in the top ten porcelain factories.