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Table wares with Blue and White Peony and National Emblem Pattern




This set of 201 pieces tablewares with blue and white peony and national emblem pattern are special products for the leaders and ambassadors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to host banquets for foreign heads and honored guests. It was named “National Emblem Porcelain” because it was entitled to decorate the chinaware with emblem as a blue and white design for the first time. In 1989, Yuzhou Porcelain Factory began to apply for trial and small-lot production of " National Emblem Porcelain ". Examined and authorized by the State Council, 70 sets of "National Emblem Porcelain" were successfully produced in 1992 and sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The national emblem porcelain not only filled the gap of national level production of banquet porcelain, but also reached the peak level of tableware in China at that time. At the same time, it also played an active role in expanding the reputation of Jingdezhen porcelain, which is indeed a domestic ceramic treasure.