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This group of porcelain sculptures depicts three revolutionary martyrs, Liu hulan, Xu Yunfeng and Sister Jiang. As fine  works created by the Sculpture Porcelain Factory in the 20th century, these sculptures demonstrate revolutionary martyrs noble spirit of sacrificing themselves for the country in the midst of national crisis. The porcelain sculpture of Liu Hulan portrays a determined look on her young face, with her fists clenched and her head held high. It looks as if one can hear her mind-blowing outcry “Fear of death makes one not a communist” coming out of the statue. The sculpture of Xu Yunfeng shapes him to be tall and straight with a chiseled face and steady eyes. His long gown is fluttering in the wind which shows his strength in particular. As a man who had endured all hardships, his firm and unyielding character reflected the strong conviction of communists and their noble spirit of preferring death to surrender. The overall image of Sister Jiang presented from the sculpture is simple but elegant. Her determined and peaceful face shows her noble qualities of remaining faithful and unyielding, and facing death unflinchingly even after going through all kinds of tribulations. The spirit of the three revolutionary martyrs, just like the ever-green pine tree presents behind Sister Jiang, has exerted profound influences on later generations and is a vivid subject for patriotic education.