首页    雕塑    “文成公主”雕塑



文成公主Princess Wencheng (A princess of Tang Dynasty married the King of Tibet for nations peace and promoted the economy and culture exchange as well as the friendly relationship between Han and Tibetan)。                                         雕塑瓷厂是景德镇瓷雕工艺的代表性厂家,主要采用堆、雕、捏、塑、釉上、釉下彩绘等装饰技法,在陶瓷行业中独树一帜。这件采用捏塑技法创作的文成公主瓷雕,是纪念其为促进汉藏友好而做出的种种贡献而作。其步摇环佩、衣飘飘表现出唐代女性的柔美,神色坚定、身姿屹立诉说着“和亲公主”的辛劳。整件作品神情动态塑造生动,用色明快,以温暖的橘色为主色调增强了人们的视觉冲击力,描绘着文成公主为汉藏邦交做出的豪迈壮举。这是一尊文成公主的瓷雕,更是一曲瓷都艺人对兴国安邦的颂歌。

As a representative manufacturer in Jingdezhens porcelain sculpture field, the Sculpture Porcelain Factory mainly applies the decorating techniques of stacking, carving, kneading, molding, overglaze and underglaze in its production, which is considered to be unique in the porcelain industry. This sculpture of Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty, using the technique of kneading, was created to commemorate her contributions in promoting the Sino-Tibetan friendship. Her swinging head ornament, jade pendant and fluttering long skirts express the beauty and tenderness of women in the Tang Dynasty. The determined look on her face and her standing posture also manifest the toils and hardships she had experienced as a princess who married minority ruler to make peace for the nation. The whole work presents a dynamic and vivid image with vibrant and bright colors. Among the colors, warm orange is used as the dominating tone to produce a strong visual impact. This sculpture depicts Princess Wenchengs heroic feat for promoting Sino-Tibetan diplomatic relations. It is not only a porcelain sculpture of Princess Wencheng, moreover, an ode to the prospering and stable country by the artists of Jingdezhen.