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Cultural Revolution Porcelain refers to a series of political wares created during the Cultural Revolution. Among those porcelains, sculpturing figures with strong feature of the Cultural Revolution are one type of the main products by the Sculpture Porcelain Factory in those years. With typical historic characters, the technique of three-dimensional sculpturing were employed to depict the new things appeared during the Cultural Revolution period, especially taking the characters in revolutionary modern plays as their objects. For example, “the Red Lantern” (The heroic story of a family of three generations made the unyielding struggle with the Japanese invaders in order to transfer the secret code to the guerrillas during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression) and other artistic works featuring the Red Guards (During the "Cultural Revolution" epriod, the mass organizations established by college and middle school students, also refer to their members.) helped people review the indomitable revolutionary spirit of Li Tiemei (the daughter in the Red Lantern ) and the passionate patriotic feelings of the Red Guards respectively. Cultural Revolution Porcelain has opened an independent chapter in the two thousand years of porcelain manufacturing history in China and developed a system of its own. The shocking expressiveness, distinctive characteristics of the times and strong political flavor of this type of porcelain make them to be unprecedented art treasures.